What are the different parts of Justicia advena?

What are the different parts of Justicia advena?

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Justicia advena is a legal system that is based on the idea that the law should be applied in a fair and impartial manner, regardless of the background or status of the person seeking justice.

The different parts of Justicia advena are:

  • The judge: The judge is responsible for upholding the law and ensuring that all parties involved in a case are heard fairly.
  • The jury: The jury is responsible for deciding the guilt or innocence of the defendant.
  • The prosecutor: The prosecutor is responsible for presenting the case against the defendant.
  • The defense attorney: The defense attorney is responsible for defending the defendant's rights.
  • The witnesses: Witnesses are people who have firsthand knowledge of the events in a case.
  • The evidence: Evidence is the facts and circumstances of a case.
  • The law: The law is the rules and principles that govern a case.

Justicia advena is a complex legal system that requires the cooperation of many different parties. It is important to understand the different parts of Justicia advena in order to appreciate its complexity and to ensure that justice is served fairly and impartially.
